Digital Marketing
Paul Changuion

Africa’s Eden – Business for Tourism

Africa’s Eden is the brainchild Jillian Blackbeard. With the support from members like Kim from Jolly Boys Backpackers in Livingstone Zambia and Louise Nielsen-Doran who is an event and wedding planner in Victoria Falls. these guys have over 60 years of combined experience of in Tourism at such a wide level they see the bigger picture of promoting the collective region known as KASA which is the words largest connected wilderness.

WildWeb, Digital Marketing, Quality Digital Marketing Content
Digital Marketing
Megan Lewis

Digital Marketing in the Time of COVID-19

Why sticking with digital marketing during the COVID-19 period is an important part of winning the long-term game. We are living in extraordinary times and

Digital Marketing
Claire Birtwhistle

WildWeb Photography & Video Services

Good quality photography and videography content are key ingredients in creating top-notch website designs and effective digital marketing campaigns.  Without high-quality visuals, retaining your audience’s

Digital Marketing
Claire Birtwhistle

O Caption! My Captain!

You don’t need any copywriting skills to create good social media captions, right? WRONG. With approximately 140 billion photos on Facebook alone, it’s now more

WildWeb, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Campaign, Blog Word Count, Google Ranking
Digital Marketing
Megan Lewis

Why Your Blog’s Word Count, Counts

As digital marketers and content producers, we are constantly investigating how to create blogs for our clients that help their websites rank high on Google

Digital Marketing
Megan Lewis

Content marketing’s not dead

We might be heading into a new decade, but you can still count on content taking a top position in digital marketing trends in 2020.

Digital Marketing
Claire Birtwhistle

Getting to know Ghost Mountain Inn

Situated at the foot of the legendary Ghost Mountain in Mkuze, KwaZulu-Natal, [highlight] Ghost Mountain Inn [/highlight] is an intimate and award-winning hotel. This relaxed

Digital Marketing
Claire Birtwhistle

Let’s Gear up for 2019

We’d like to wish our WildWeb customers a happy new year and wish you all the best for 2019. 2018 was a great year for