We are happy to announce the launch of www.allgold.co.za. If you don’t already know, All Gold is an institution in South Africa and holds the undisputed title as South Africa’s tastiest Tomato Sauce and Jams.
Apart from its practical and clean design, being a loved family friendly brand, the website had to present their playful and approachable image. The key feature that stands out on the website are the illustrations and animations that were built into the pages – for example the Facebook and Twitter icons in the top right corners of all the pages.
View All Gold’s factory animation.
Most of the website’s graphics and animations are powered by Flash. Now, although Flash is on the way out, as far as web animation goes, Flash is still effective in offering immediate and pleasing flair to a web page, with its smooth animations and movements. But it must be used in moderation. Gone are the footloose and reckless days of building an entire website out of the Adobe empire’s animation software.
We were chuffed to have been on board in their website design and development and host a national client of this magnitude. Overall, we certainly feel that www.allgold.co.za ticks all the boxes when it comes to a offering visitors accessible information and clean navigation while throwing down a little raz-mataz…