“Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation.” Nelson Mandela
On Mandela Day, 18 July 2018, the WildWeb team dedicated 67 minutes to the Magic Bean Foundation – a non-profit organisation that mentors and empowers the community to develop skills to create improved lives and restore the planet. It was a great team effort and the feeling of ‘ubuntu’ was almost tangible.
Cutting ‘plarn’
Our challenge was to cut 67 pieces of ‘plarn’ (plastic yarn) out of plastic bags, which the ladies from Umlazi G section at the Magic Bean Foundation use to create their beautiful beach bags and other items to sell and support their families.

The cutting of plarn is one of the most time-consuming processes when the ladies are making their items. A medium sized bag takes over 100 plastic shopping/bread bags to make, which gives you a good idea of how much plastic they need to cut to make a gorgeous handmade bag!

How can you get involved?
The great Madiba once said “It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in.”
Mandela Day has come and gone but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make a positive impact on the world. You can still make a difference every day.
Get involved with this noble cause by collecting and donating your plastic shopping bags to the Magic Bean Foundation.
Get in touch with the team at Magic Bean Foundation and start making a difference today: info@magicbeanfoundation.com