Some say change is as good as a holiday, and our poor WildWeb corporate identity has been in need of a holiday for quite some time. So last month, we decided to start afresh. What does the Web look like in 2015, and how does WildWeb’s online presence reflect our culture and values?
So today we’re proud to launch the new WildWeb. You’ll notice our logo has changed – it’s simpler and more contemporary, and the bright red has been toned down to a more earthy tone. It’s still WildWeb, but we’ve grown up a bit. Our new site reflects this philosophy too. Lines are cleaner and more contemporary, colours are brighter and more graphic, and our “voice” is more casual and approaching. It’s quirky and fun, while still being the professionals that we are.
Back in 1908 [insert laughs here] when we launched the previous site, we didn’t even have a marketing arm to the business and now it’s a crucial element in almost all of our projects. We wanted our new site to reflect that important aspect too – we don’t just build websites, but we partner with our clients to help build their businesses through a range of diverse skills. The online marketplace is complex and ever-changing, and we want our clients to know they have someone they can rely to help navigate through it.
We’ve obviously built the site completely responsive, so it adapts to different screen sizes and looks just as good on your mobile as your laptop or any other device you’re likely to visit us on. Well, we haven’t tested it on the Apple Watch yet, but we’ll keep you posted once Jono finally caves and gets one. If your website doesn’t have a mobile strategy yet, please [highlight]contact us[/highlight].
We’ve also had some help from the lovely Lorna who came in and shot some video and pictures for us, and our friend Kyle who helped with the corporate identity. Paul got to fly his drone too and get some fly-over shots of our building, and Jono and Kelly have been writing away at the new [highlight]Case Studies[/highlight] page which replaces our portfolio list. David’s also refreshed our Search Engine Optimization to help bump us up Google’s rankings.
On a technical note, we’ve included some great new technologies that weren’t around when the previous site was developed – HTML5 video, SVG vector graphics, hardware optimized transitions, and a build process that combines and compresses our assets, and handles cache control to make delivery of our site to you as speedy as possible.
It’s been a wild and wonderful month piecing our website re-launch together and we hope that you find our grown-up site a refreshing update.