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Divided into teams, locked in separate rooms, with just one hour to figure out how to escape – it may sound like the start of a cliched horror movie, but this is in fact how WildWeb recently spent their end-of-year office party.

As a team of web designers, digital marketers, and direct reservationists – we’re pretty good at deciphering codes and developing strategies. Which is why this year, we decided to put our logical minds to the test and take part in [highlight] ‘Mindgme Escape’ [/highlight].

What is Mindgame Escape?

This was everybody’s first question when the idea was first suggested. WildWeb is slightly notorious for holding ‘out of the ordinary’ office parties, so the curiosity was justified. Combine this with the fact that the Mindgame Escape website reveals almost zero details as to what you’ll be doing in the locked rooms, and it’s safe to say that the team was extremely intrigued.

Note: After participating in the game, we can now understand why there are so little details given on the website. (Insert mysterious music here).

Essentially, we were separated into two teams of six and escorted to our respective rooms. The rooms were decorated to the theme of either Harry Houdini or Sherlock Holmes, and each contained a series of clues, locks, and puzzles, that, when deciphered, revealed secret meanings and hidden mechanisms that would assist the teams in escaping from the rooms. It’s a race against time and team members must play to their strengths and work together to try and solve the mystery. Fortunately, both of our teams made it out with a few minutes to spare! And while we don’t want to give too much more away, what we can tell you is that it’s a heck load of fun and an excellent team-building exercise.



After an afternoon of puzzle solving, it was time to head to local ‘watering hole’, aka the Steak and Ale, where the teams swapped stories about our separate rooms while sipping on some refreshing drinks.


Well done, [highlight] WildWeb team [/highlight]! It’s been another wonderful year and the celebrations were well-deserved.



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