Garonga Safari Camp, Garonga Pride, Lions, South Africa Big 5, South Africa Safari, Travel in Africa

Wildlife Photography Priorities at Jaci’s Lodge, Madikwe


In recent years there has been a major shift in the safari industry. More and more people are becoming aware of the negative effects of wild animal interaction and are looking for more eco-friendly safari activities that still allow you to feel ‘connected’ to the animals. One of the more popular and rewarding alternatives are photographic safaris, which many lodges now offer as a specialised package.

The good people at [highlight] Jaci’s Lodges [/highlight] have decided to take it one step further with the recent launch of their new [highlight] Terrapin Hide [/highlight]. Wildlife photographers and safari guests who are keen to capture their safari memories best are beginning to stampede towards them. You may be asking, what the bleep is a terrapin hide? No, it’s not a hide in the shape of a turtle. It’s a hide specifically designed to allow photographers to capture photographs of the animals coming to drink from the waterhole, from water level. And it’s amazing.


Jaci tells us more:
“In our quest to provide our photographically inclined guests with only the best, we have teamed up with the awesome duo Guts and Toby from [highlight] Pangolin Photo Safari’s [/highlight], to work with us to ensure we live up to nothing less than exceptional standards and out of this world photographic experiences.”

[highlight] The Terrapin Hide [/highlight] has been kitted out with all sorts of nifty gadgets to help photographers get that perfect shot, including custom designed [highlight] Gimpro [/highlight] single / double pano heads which ensure that you can set up your shot, lock all mounts in place and wait for your photo opportunity to arrive. The hide is also open throughout the night allowing photographers to capture some great shots of those nocturnal creatures that only venture out at night.


Toby from Pangolin Photo Safaris says:
“We think that the Terrapin Hide is going to be a real game changer. Nothing as ambitious has ever been accomplished before. Previously photographers have had to immerse themselves into the water to get shots like those that this hide will produce. One photographer we know famously contracted a number of diseases from doing just that but he did get some awesome shots of lions coming to drink at the edge. We hope that shots like this will be more easily (and safely) achieved from the Terrapin Hide as up to 8 clients can shoot animals at the drinking edge at water level at any one time and then retreat to the comfort of Jaci’s Lodge should they need to calm the excitement of getting that great shot with a nice cold Gin and Tonic!”

Here are a few of the amazing photos that have been captured at the Terrapin Hide so far:





(All photos are courtesy of Jaci’s Lodges)


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