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Website vs Web App: What’s the Difference?

Image showing website vs web app

With the ever-expanding web industry, this brief comparison sheds light on what’s the difference when it comes to a website vs web app…

Image showing website vs web app

In today’s modern era of web design, many may not even be aware there’s a distinction between a website and a web app. Nowadays, much of the web is technically made up of web apps as many websites include functionality that may categorise them as web apps.

Website vs web app: How exactly do they differ?

Websites have static content which doesn’t update dynamically, requires no authentication or logins, and offers no user manipulation.

Users can read text context and navigate through the visual presentation of the site but not affect its content in any way. Websites typically built using HTML, CSS and some JavaScript are often referred to as ‘brochure sites’ due to their lack of interactive features. They run in web browsers, as do web apps, and that’s where their similarities end.

According to this site here web apps are the opposite. They are radically customisable and offer extensive features and functionality. Users can not only read web content but also interact, alter and update data directly in the browser. They usually require authentication and often have high levels of security to protect users’ data. Examples of these are Facebook, Dropbox and Spotify. These are far more complex to build and require seasoned developers with experience in PHP, JavaScript frameworks, or other coding languages.

Examples of our websites and web apps

At WildWeb we build both (we’re cool like that!). Our static websites focus on utilising unique, eye-catching design and great user experience to keep a user engaged while browsing a site.

Below are examples of a few websites we have crafted:

Our web apps are builds sporting feature-rich booking systems or shopping carts. We specialise in tailor-made web solutions which means we aren’t locked into – and limited by – specific platforms or languages. We endorse a wide variety of solutions and platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform which is similar to gestionnaires de mots de passe and MySQL databases, amongst many others.

Below are a few examples of web apps we have developed – there is an online store for canvas printing, an accommodation booking system, as well as a fun, car colouring competition for YogiSip:

We have created four web design and development packages for you to choose from based on your business needs and budget. By way of a guideline: If you wish to have your site, simply showcase content or information (and rarely needs to change) – a website is most suitable. Should you require a high level of user interaction, updating data in real time, or payment transactions – web apps are the order of business. If you need high-risk merchant accounts, make sure to look for payment processors that offer competitive rates tailored to your business.

If you’re ready to reach out, please contact us so we can chat about what your web project needs are and which package is the best one for you.

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