Travelling on home ground can easily slip to the very bottom of our bucket lists when we’re constantly bombarded with ideas of exotic, faraway lands to explore. It’s a travelling shame to equate the notion of travel to the act of visiting far off places only and neglecting the opportunities on home territory.
The big bad world suddenly becomes a more manageable, brighter world when we change our travel mindset. Stuart Parker, an [highlight]African travel specialist[/highlight], has created a website to especially remind KZN natives that our home ground has a lot to offer. [highlight] This Is KZN[/highlight] is a community of travel bloggers and social influencers dedicated to showcasing the very best KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
It’s an amazing realization when the light bulb goes on! Our KZN home doesn’t require weeks of leave, buckets of savings, or travel plans to far flung destinations. It demands very little of us, which translates to the chance for more explorations and travel memory keepsakes.
[highlight] This Is KZN’s[/highlight] passion for the province shines past the computer screen through their dedicated blogging, social media campaigns, and competitions. Their blog is jam-packed with fascinating tales, Instagram-worthy photographs, and expert travel advice from regular contributors who share the KZN travel gusto.
Our very own digital marketing strategist, Kelly Robertson, is a [highlight] blog contributor[/highlight] to the site and can attest to the sense of community the website effortlessly portrays:
“I’ve always been a big fan of getting away as often as possible. Close by getaway spots, near enough to home make a weekend away worthwhile and are always a good idea. We’re lucky enough to live in a province that has so much diversity and has incredible places to explore; from secluded beaches to mountain escapes, Midlands meandering or a bush break around every corner. It would be a sin not to take advantage of these and they deserve to be experienced.
This is KZN is such a wonderful platform which genuinely shares the appeal of KZN as a destination to every type of person and visitor. The content is shared by us real KZN people who are out there enjoying the province’s wonders and are excited to share it on This is KZN, with everyone who is interested . It’s real and wonderful to read.
It shows off KZN’s hidden treasures and is an inspirational site which guarantees to have you planning on packing up the car and heading out to discover some of the province’s amazingness showcased there.”
It’s time to reignite your KZN travelling spirit and what better way than to use [highlight] This Is KZN[/highlight] as your go-to resource. Be sure to follow them on [highlight] Facebook[/highlight], [highlight] Twitter[/highlight], and [highlight] Instagram[/highlight] for all the lovely KZN happenings.
This is our home where the bush and beach meet and culture rings proud and true. #ThisIsKZN.