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The Lowdown on Instagram Stories

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Overwhelmed by the purpose of Instagram Stories for your business? Here is everything you need to know about the craze:

Instagram is a popular visual social media platform and has recently taken the original ‘Snapchat Stories’ to new heights. But what exactly is a ‘Story’? A Story is a way for people to share photos and videos with their followers in a slideshow/video format that disappears after 24 hours.

It’s a fun social tool but what does it do for business pages?

Instagram Stories are more than just fun and games with silly filters. They can also be a great marketing tool for businesses.

Here are some benefits of Stories for your social media marketing strategy:

The audience is massiveStatistics show that approximately 300 million people use Instagram Stories every day, making it one of the fastest growing platforms ever! This means that there is potential for you to get a huge number of eyes on your name. One of the best parts about stories is that people who don’t follow you, can see your posts too.

You don’t have to master the art of timing: Timing is everything when it comes to posting for your business, but with Stories you don’t have to be concerned about what time will be the best for your post. Stories are visible for 24 hours and will stay in your followers’ storylines until its time is up, meaning people from around the world with different time zones will be able to see your post when it best suits them. The viewers can also save/download the Story to watch again when they want to.

It’s your time to shine: Businesses can have fun with this tool because the more creative you are, the more attention you will grab. It’s such a fun way to show the audience who you are as a brand and stand out from the crowd. This way the audience can relate to you in a way that will be engraved in their memories.

Better engagement: Instagram claims that of the 300 million accounts using Instagram Stories, one-third of the most viewed stories come from businesses, and one in five stories gets a direct message from its viewers. This makes it a great tool for you to get in touch with your audience.

Do you want to tap into the power of Instagram Stories for your Business? Chat to us and let’s create striking Stories for your business.

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