Garonga Safari Camp, Garonga Pride, Lions, South Africa Big 5, South Africa Safari, Travel in Africa

The BASE of web marketing

Today, marketers know the appeal of internet marketing. Data is easily accessed and measurable results are obtained. Hence, getting the numbers and creating a projection – paramount to measuring any level of digital marketing success – is much more manageable and exciting than other more traditional marketing avenues.

Below are some of WildWeb’s key focus’ when creating and executing a digital campaign for a client.

Look back!
First off, we kick off a campaign by having a detailed look at the history of how the website has performed. We squizz at the unique visitors that have been browsing the website, month on month and, demographically, the locations these visitors have come from. Most of these insights can be easily gleaned from Google Analytics.

Set targets
Using our digital ‘barometer’, and the above data, we will estimate a conversion rate to set realistic, but ambitious targets. We do this by setting targets for the period we have been commissioned to create growth for the website according to the budget that has been allocated.

It goes without saying that a positive budget is key to an effective campaign. In the right hands your budget will drive visitors to your point of sale, which, in turn, will considerably affect the campaign’s conversion rate.

Monitoring and inception
Most of our campaigns are orchestrated through Google adwords, Facebook adverting,
Guest blogging, Digital advert placements and custom digital initiatives.

These channels needs to be constantly monitored through the various insight tools available and flexible actions must be taken throughout the campaign in order for the targets to be met. This is a full time job and WildWeb invests a dedicated team member into fine tuning all of our clients campaigns.

Below is a graph showing how a digital budget has helped create traffic for a WildWeb client involved in online Safari Lodge reservations. The graph shows a positive trend over 2009, 2010 and 2011 using the above approach.

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