Garonga Safari Camp, Garonga Pride, Lions, South Africa Big 5, South Africa Safari, Travel in Africa

Sundowners and Social Media

Large Banner2 Sundowners are a quintessential part of a safari, so on my recent work trip to Ant’s Hill in the Waterberg, I simply couldn’t forgo this tradition.

As a digital marketer, it’s vital to have a good grasp on what you’re selling, which is why visiting our clients’ lodges to experience them first-hand is such an important part (and major perk) of the job. A couple of weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to visit one of our favourite clients, [highlight] Ant’s Nest and Ant’s Hill Bush Homes [/highlight] , in order to gather some fresh content for our digital marketing campaign.

While there, one of the items on the agenda was sundowners at the most scenic spot in the reserve – aptly dubbed ‘World’s View’ for its panoramic views of the expansive Waterberg wilderness. Gazing over this wondrous view with a glass of white wine in hand, an analogy came to me: social media is like sundowners.


Perhaps it’s because of my millennial point-of-view, perhaps I was just a little tipsy, whatever the reason, here are three reasons why I think social media is like sundowners:

  • Like social media, sundowners provide the opportunity for social interaction and engagement. The difference is that, rather than commenting and sharing posts, we converse and share stories.
  • The more beautiful and scenic the sunset is, the longer people will stay to enjoy it and engage with other people. The same can be said about a successful social media post. More visually appealing and stimulating posts encourage more interest and engagement from online users.
  • Lastly, social media is like sundowners because of the lasting impression that it leaves on you. Like a stunning sunset, a great social media post will linger in your memory long after its left your sight.


With the [highlight] new Facebook algorithm [/highlight] favouring content from friends and family on news feeds over news from business pages, it’s now more important than ever to make sure your social posts are as engaging and meaningful as possible. [highlight] Get in touch [/highlight] with us for help with your digital marketing campaign.

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