We are proud to announce, to the world wide web, that the new Retractaline website is alive. For those of you who do know the brand, they are the makers of that handy, space saving, pull out washing lines that can be mounted in your bathrooms, or some other tight nook in your house.
If you still do not know who we are talking about, log onto their website and you will probably say something like; ‘hey. My gran, or auntie, or mum has one of those’.
Retractaline’s tagline is “The Worlds best Washing lines”. It is a bold claim. But we can vouch for this. This proudly South African ingenuity is truly and aesthetically pleasing invention with an honest practical use – a rare invention where fashion follows function in one beautifully compact design.
We feel that the website follows suit with a minimalistic design, look and feel, coupled with clean, easy navigation. Ultimately, the website serves as a product showcase and we think that, pound for pound, the slick popup info that displays on the category pages was the best way to present the full array of Retractaline’s products. Cos, they don’t just do washing lines.
Take a tour of the new Retractaline website – click here.