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Repurposing Content- A Marketing Must-Do

“To repurpose an old thought, idea or memory to a new purpose is the height of creativity.”
–Steve Supple.

Repurposing content (featured image)

One very strategic way to extend your content marketing dollar is to plan for repurposing. Whether you are creating a blog post, a video, or a catchy infographic, the reality is you are telling a story –a story that can be told in several different ways with a touch of creativity and a pinch of pre-planning.

You’re content deserves a new lease on life and here’s why:

•Audience– Some people are visual learners, while others prefer reading an article. The advantage of content repurposing allows you to appeal to a wider range of audiences who absorb content through different mediums. By investing in re-inventing your story, you can further extend your exposure and reach new audiences who may not have had the opportunity to take interest in your content.

•Longevity– Content comes and goes so quickly these days, it’s inevitable for people to miss the content you are sharing every once in a while. Through creative reformatting and repurposing, you can extend your content’s lifecycle and rest easy knowing your content can stand the test of time. Don’t be shy to dust off last year’s or even last week’s relevant blog post and give it a second, third, or fourth life. It demands to be seen in a new light!

•Time, effort, and money– In 2015 the [highlight] Content Council released[/highlight] an article on the biggest struggles content marketers face. At the top of the list were creating quality engaging content (63%), lack of budget (53%), and lack of time (50%). Developing new materials for your content marketing requires a great deal of time and effort, so when you put in the research to create a stellar piece, further its investment by repurposing it into some new and that will continue to grab your reader’s or viewer’s attention.

Once you start adopting this “repurposing mentality” to your content marketing strategy, it’s amazing to see how you can re-imagine an idea into many published works of art. The blog that received the most traffic last month is the perfect candidate for repurposing snippets on social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest. Repurposing is a content marketing investment and one that requires planning out which different content assets you will use in advance.

Do you have good stories to tell but struggle to uniquely translate them to maximize your content promotion? The content repurposing process can be a tricky one to master, but the benefits are well worth weaving into your marketing plan.

[highlight] Get in touch with our marketing team[/highlight] and we’ll help you find ways to get the most out of your content.


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