Garonga Safari Camp, Garonga Pride, Lions, South Africa Big 5, South Africa Safari, Travel in Africa

Reducing Safari Lodge Energy Consumption


Being a South African based company, WildWeb has had to deal with its fair share of electrical issues. Load shedding has become our reality and South Africans have had to learn to conserve power where possible. However, while we may feel alone in this problem, the issues that our country is facing are indicative of the problems the whole world will soon face at this rate.

With awareness growing around the issue of environmental degradation, we can no longer be ostriches and stick our heads in the sand. The issue of climate change is upon us and has been for a while now. Swift action must be taken to be more environmentally friendly and curb our carbon footprint.

It would seem everything these days is bad for the earth and recently, the travel/tourism industry has been coming under fire for its contribution towards the climate issue. Paul recently met this great guy, James Trace, at one of our client lodges, [highlight] Cheetah Plains [/highlight] .

James is an environmental consultant and was working with Cheetah Plains to evaluate their electricity consumption and find ways of reducing it without reducing the quality of the guests’ experience. When issues do occur, he must also be able to call on reliable electrical repair services.

James does some fantastic work with safari lodges by conducting an energy audit where every item that uses power in the lodge vicinity is recorded. This information is then used to determine how energy can be saved, and estimates the potential savings, possible investment costs, and the expected payback in years. James then sets out a budget and timeline for the implementation of these savings.

All of this information is then given to the lodge in the form of a document with James’ findings. He also does comparative studies after the changes have been implemented to work out just how effective the changes were and how they are helping the lodges.


[highlight] WildWeb [/highlight] firmly supports James’ initiative and commends Cheetah Plains for taking this step in the right direction. To get in touch with James, email him on [highlight] [/highlight] or call 082 434 6699.

Find examples of James’ work here:
[highlight] Energy Audit Example [/highlight]
[highlight] Lodge Energy Usage Final Report Example [/highlight]

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