Garonga Safari Camp, Garonga Pride, Lions, South Africa Big 5, South Africa Safari, Travel in Africa

Print Wild Photo Contest

Our sister company, Print Wild are currently wrapping up a slick Family Photo contest. The contest gives anyone who submits a special family moment photograph, onto Print Wild’s Facebook page, a chance of winning a R1000 Print Wild gift voucher.

The dynamic behind the contest is rather simple. Instead of basing the contest on the ‘best’ submission (can you really evaluate such a subjective subject?) it is based on the photo entries popularity. Every submission uploaded is re-posted on the entrants Facebook profile page with a call out to their friends to vote for that entry through clicking ‘Like’ on the post. In the end, the photo which receives the most Likes wins.

Again, we will be the first to admit that the winning photo might not necessarily be the BEST, but it will be the one that received the most attention on Facebook. Even if bribing, threats of violence and blackmail were used in soliciting the ‘Likes’ on the submission.

But this is precisely the motivation behind the contest in the first place. The whole point of the contest is a marketing one. The aim is to drum up chatter around Print Wild and their product. And looking at the stats, it has done precipice this. Over the content close to 300 votes were cast and the Print Wild Facebook page fan base increased significantly. Mission accomplished.

This photo contest is just a small way that we are looking at increasing the footprint of our clients Facebook pages.

To take a look at the contest page > click here

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