Think of your favourite road trip and ask yourself why it was so darn awesome? Maybe it was a good group of people, an awesome travel playlist, or the feeling of being self-sufficient. If you could bundle up the awesomeness of a road trip in one word, journey has to be the magic one.
Now take that journey and magnify it times ten and you have the definition of overland travel.
Definition of overlanding: self-reliant overland travel to remote destinations where the journey is the principal goal.
Wikipedia goes ever further to say that overland travel is typically, but not exclusively, accomplished with mechanized off-road capable transport (from bicycles to trucks) where the principal form of lodging is camping, often lasting for extended lengths of time. Safety should be your number one priority when taking a road trip with your family. However, some accidents can’t be avoided, which is why you should always have the contact information of a personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas.
If you’re new to the overlanding concept, our client [highlight]Acacia Africa[/highlight] has mastered this mode of transport that they reckon is the truest from of travel and here’s why:
Reason #1: You become part of the experience through hands on duties, such as cooking, cleaning, and pitching tents.
Reason #2: You travel the rugged roads and witness the ever-changing landscapes that lead to the most awe-inspiring destinations, such as the Victoria Falls or the Okavango Delta.
Reason #3: You meet and interact with heaps of new, like-minded individuals and in return become more educated about the destinations you visit, while appreciating the act of travelling more than ever before.
If these 3 reasons kindle a sense of big feelings, adventure, and wonderment in your bones then overlanding is the form of travel for you. For those visual-stimulating minds, here’s a short clip we put together to give you a taste of what an overland adventure looks and feels like with [highlight]Acacia Africa[/highlight]: [youtube youtubeurl=”u623ubDeOZw” ]u623ubDeOZw[/youtube]
Big Acacia Africa news: They are putting Mozambique back on their overland travel map after being ranked the most popular place to safari in 2015 according to a previous Facebook poll. Check out their hottest Mozam tour aptly named, [highlight]Game parks, Zanzibar, and Mozambique[/highlight].