Garonga Safari Camp, Garonga Pride, Lions, South Africa Big 5, South Africa Safari, Travel in Africa

Offshore Sailing Academy website goes live

WildWeb has just launched the brand new website of Offshore Sailing Academy, which goes under the domain name The Offshore Sailing Academy is a proudly Durban based company who have been around since the 70’s. They have a great bragging right in being the first and oldest sailing school in South Africa. They have also successfully seen more than 30 000 students qualify through their academy. Which makes them very successful and respected. Most of their students go on to make a career out of sailing and find work on super yachts somewhere like the Mediterranean or the Caribbean.

They have a great attitude too. Their attractive philosophy and outlook on business is similar to what we have at WildWeb, which basically goes something like  – ‘enjoy your work and you will not work a day in your life’. We enjoy what we do – like making kickass websites for cool companies and people alike. And we really enjoyed building Offshore Sailing Academy’s new digital platform.

Have a tour – click here

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