Garonga Safari Camp, Garonga Pride, Lions, South Africa Big 5, South Africa Safari, Travel in Africa

No longer an API virgin…

We’ve just finished our first API integration for our long-time client Tongabezi Lodge, in Zambia, displaying real-time information of what accommodation they have going for prospective holidaymakers looking to swoop in and book one of their luxury rooms – before someone else does.

We basically take the latest raw data that someone has supplied at point-A, transport it across the interweeb, re-package it, all nice like, add some spit polish and present it at point-B. Point-A, in this case is online bookings giant, ResRequest, fundis in providing the latest data for what’s going in the way of safari holidays across Southern Africa. For point-B click here

Although a lot of mechanics is happening behind-the-scenes, what this does is give us license to display some seriously raw info, in a user-friendly way, consistent with Tongabezi’s spiffy site design and overall brand image.  It’s clean, simple and blerry kleffa, if we do say so ourselves.  Just another way WildWeb keeps its clients looking sharp online and engaging their visitors.

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