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Meet Kelly Kidson, ocean enthusiast and our new Digital Marketing Strategist

Some exciting developments are simmering here at WildWeb and to kick off our vision, for cyber dominance, in 2012 we have just expanded our goal posts with a spanking new staffer. Meet 25 year old Kelly Kidson, who will taking on the role of Digital Marketing Strategist at our fine establishment.

Kelly hails from the big smoke, in Johannesburg, and comes chock-full of media know how and experience. Previously, Kelly ruled over three popular websites (JHB, CPT and DBN Live), as Online Managing Editor. With all her sleuth-like journo skills and online marketing expertise Kelly will now be overseeing our client’s social media campaigns by accelerating their online presence and broadening their social footprint, on the digital front.

It did not take much to lure Kelly down to Durban. A part from being the undisputed Weltevreden Park Beer Pong champion Kelly has an unquenchable passion for the outdoors. Before her move down to the ‘Fun Sun Sea’ capital of Africa Kelly was big into exploring the Bush. And, although she still loves holidaying in the dusty outback of Southern Africa, Kelly’s long time fascination with all things aquatic will finally have a reachable outlet in her new home.

With an Open Ocean One, under-sea diving qualification, Kelly insists on meeting the Indian Ocean’s inhabitants, on a first name basis. One of her immediate goals is to swim with sharks while, while in the not too distant future Kelly plans on conquering the coastal Otter Trail, down in the Eastern Cape.

With all of Kelly’s kick ass social media artillery, ready to fire, we are looking at stepping up the digital game here at WildWeb.  If you would like to chat about your business or brand’s online presence, feel free to give us a call – view our contact information here.

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