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If a picture paints 1,000 words then one minute of video is worth 1.8 million, so say [highlight] Forrester’s researchers [/highlight].

In the constantly evolving world of digital marketing, it is important to stay on top of your game by following the latest market trends and making sure you’re up to date with all the latest advances in the webosphere. This year [highlight] WildWeb [/highlight], along with the rest of the digitally minded world, will be keeping a close eye on video as experts predict that this will be the next big thing in the world of content marketing.

Every day we are flooded with online information from marketers and it becomes easy to just switch off and overlook these ads. Videos, however, are naturally engaging and provide viewers with information in a way that is ‘easy to digest’. In September last year, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook alone was seeing 8 billion average daily video views from 500 million users. In other words, Facebook is generating 760 years of watch time each day! Worldwide leader in IT, [highlight] Cisco predicts [/highlight] that internet traffic stemming from video views will account for 80% of all internet traffic by 2019. The fact of the matter is that people are more likely to not only click on videos and watch them, but also far more likely to share this type of content than any other format.

This is very exciting news indeed but what does it mean for your business?

Well if people are watching your videos, they are engaging with your company. The more engagement your content is getting, the more likely it is to convert to sales. Recent research conducted by [highlight] Ascend2 [/highlight] suggests that companies are seeing the best results from ‘bottle of the funnel content’. This involves videos providing customers with an offer and explicit reasons why they should buy the product, e.g. a client testimonial, tutorials/demonstration videos, interviews and other data driven content.

Tips for creating effective video content:

• Videos should provide new and interesting information
• Must be easy to view and share (user-friendly)
• Use interactive elements such as clickable links, quizzes and forms
• Allow embedding to increase inbound links to your own site and boost SEO
• Use catchy, memorable titles to draw the viewer’s attention.
• Provide the video with a thorough description to maximise the chances of getting traffic and exposure from searches.
• Videos must be the appropriate length for the platform if publishing on social media

For an example of a company that has embraced this new trend, take a look at one of our favourite client’s websites: [highlight] Robin Pope Safaris.  [/highlight]



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