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Inspiration Friday through Marketing Campaigns

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. We are all “victims” of advertising through every media channel known to mankind. We may moan and groan, fast forward, skip, or completely ‘shut off’, but the reality remains that advertising influences our behavior and thus craftily influences are attitude and purchasing behavior.

I like to call it the “psychology of marketing.” Campaigns are surrounding our every step, shouting to grab your attention and create not only a desirable want, but a need. Whether it is a need for a product (like soap) or a need to choose that brand over others (like a Coke versus Pepsi),the psyche plays a dominant role in the final decision.

But enough of the somber talk; let’s bring some advertising inspiration to the table and re-awaken our advert blues.

This Coca-Cola advertisement will surely bring a smile to your face and may even instigate your decision to buy a Coke over a Pepsi:

And how about this Dove commercial? With hundreds of beauty and hygiene products on the shelves, does this advert pluck your heartstrings and make you consider reaching for the Dove label during your next shop?

Ah, the beauty and power of conversing with your audience instead of a forward product push. “The psychology of marketing.


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