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How to Easily Follow your Favourite Content on Facebook

Is your Facebook news feed a never-ending scroll of content? If you silently said “yes” then you may want to hear us out, because Facebook recently released a new feature that allows you to [highlight]customise your newsfeed[/highlight] with their ‘See First’ option.

This See First option lets you prioritize updates from favourite friends, groups or pages that appear on your news feed. You are now in control of what content and stories you receive first, making sure that you don’t miss a beat from your favourites.

We love that it allows users to prioritise by all three of these options (friends, groups, or pages) because it now serves as a tool for both consumers and businesses alike.

But as digital marketing strategists, here is one way to capitalise on Facebook’s recent update from a business page perspective:

Educate and encourage fans to use the See First option

Content is the new currency and so inform your fans on how they can easily prioritise your posts and receive the great content, fuss free.

Here’s how

Simply go to the Facebook page of interest, click the Liked button or in some cases the Following button on the lower right hand corner of the cover photo, and then select the See First option.

new fb feature 1   new fb feature 2

It’s as simple as that. Let your audience and fans know how they can easily find your content above the rest. Create a Facebook post about it, include the how-to in your next newsletter, or re-share this blog post. I’m sure they will thank you later for de-cluttering their Facebook news feed.


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