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Friends don’t let friends use IE6

One of the most annoying realities that we as web developers have to deal with is a little known issue called IE6 – Internet Explorer 6 – an archaic web browser invented around the turn of the century by the software goliath Microsoft. The notoriously buggy browser was found wanting back then and after a decade of existence – and about a-bazillion patches later – it is still crashing computers and playing criminal games with website design.

The main reason why this evil piece of software remains is because, A; people do not know they can switch to a better option, and B; it came standard with Windows XP.

Re-wind to 2001 most big companies around the world upgraded their software in bulk and whacked IE6 on their employee’s machines. Although the web developed, connections got faster and hardware got cooler, few saw the light and upgraded.  It appeared that corporations locked down on Microsoft right before Microsoft decided not to make any major changes to their operating system and web browser. So when IE 7 came out, many moons later, there was no real need to move on – also thanks to the global recession budget cuts left corporate IT departments with little voice on the matter.

Today the bottom line is that around 9% of the world are lingering on IE6 – holding back true progression and us web developers need to remain mindful of building websites and apps that work on IE6.

But there is a growing digital ‘spring’ calling for IE6 to be wiped off the face of the earth. Just check this website dedicated to calling for this awful dictator, guilty of countless crimes against webanity, to be overthrown –

The moral of the story is that friends do not let friends use Internet Explorer 6. And for those reading this on Internet Explorer there are free, and most importantly, better web browsers for out there. Below are some of WildWeb’s favorite just waiting to be downloaded at a click of a button.


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