Have you heard? Facebook is beginning to roll out a whole new feature that will completely revolutionise your profile pictures!
And while that may seem like a bit of an overstatement, for those of us un-photogenic freaks who can’t take a good selfie to save our lives, it really is! Facebook will soon allow all users to replace their profile photo with a short, looping video clip that will play for anyone who visits their profile. This is excellent news for those who look better in moving images than in still ones (this is a real problem, okay? Look it up.)
“On News Feed and profiles, we’re seeing people create and view more videos than ever before. Today we’re starting to test the next step in an obvious evolution of profiles: profile videos. Profile videos will let you show a part of yourself you couldn’t before, and add a new dimension to your profile.” [highlight] said Facebook [/highlight] .
Want to know how to make your Facebook profile picture a GIF?
This feature is not yet available to everyone however Facebook intends on rolling it out to the masses soon. Once you have the update you’ll be able to create your GIF profile pic by going to your own profile and tapping your picture on Facebook’s home screen. Select “Take a new profile video” from the menu if you want to create one, or “upload a photo or video” if you want to upload it. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
The new Facebook update will also include a new feature that will let users create temporary profiles to show their friends what they are up to in the current moment and then revert back to their original profile at a specified time. You will also be able to choose the featured images that show on your profile therefore ensuring that people always see your best side first and not those pesky pics that your mom keeps uploading.
For the more visual learners, here is a video:
So prepare yourselves for the influx of GIF profile videos that is sure to happen as soon as this update has gone world wide! We’ve already started by creating some of our own little GIF profile videos. Check them out!
And then our graphic designer, Shannon, went and outshone us all: