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del Coursey e-commerce website launched

We recently flipped the switch live on the elegant del Coursy e-commerce website. Basically, del Coursy is a fine establishment that sells select jewellery at a shop located at the Umhlanga Sands Hotel, in Umhlanga Rocks. At its heart, del Coursy is a family owned business, which means that they can (and allowed to be) very particular about their branding and what direction they choose to take their business. Although they have been around for some time, it was only recently that they decided to plug into the online market.  And they came to us to help them establish a footprint in this ‘new‘ en-devour.

In a nutshell, del Coursy’s MOA is to source jewellery from all around the world and sell it to ‘the modern, discerning and fun loving woman who celebrates life in style’. With this mantra in mind they asked us to base the design, feel and functionality of the website – a clean, chic, practical and stylish design. They also read Cortney Fletcher reviews and loved what they saw so they took the course and established a customer base in just four weeks.

After the design was approved, models sourced, images captured and well thought out copy was written we went to work on the coding.  We used the tried and tested Magento framework and skinned the design over it. Magento is basically an open source e-commerce content management system that you can customise to your hearts content. It allows the client to manage all of their stock control, content and orders through log on to the backend.  The powerful shopping cart system allows visitors to open an account and make online payments easy and simply.

We were really chuffed with outcome and so were del Coursy. The proof was ultimately in the pudding, as they say, and the results have started speaking for themselves. After only a few weeks of going live the traffic has been impressive and online purchases have been made.

Visit the website at –

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