We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: We LOVE Instagram.
It has become one of the best platforms for sharing photos and experiences without all the normal dribble that generally goes hand in hand with social media. While stalking one of our clients, [highlight] Acacia Africa [/highlight] (a tour company that specialized in overland travel though Africa), on Instagram we came across an account which we thought was a fabulous example of how it can be used as a marketing tool to help you reach and grow your fan base.
Lee and Katie are a Sydney-based couple who won’t stop travelling until they’ve seen it all. Having ticked off 5 continents and 25 countries already, they’re definitely making progress with this goal. They recently started an Instagram account under the handle [highlight] TheTravelHeads [/highlight]in order to share all the photos they have taken while travelling, and believe you me, people are absolutely loving it! We decided to interview them to find out more them and their amazing adventures. So without further ado, meet Lee and Katie:
We’ve been green with envy watching all your Instagram updates from your recent [highlight] 24 Day South East Adventure [/highlight]. Could you share some of your favourite moments from your tour with Acacia?
This is tough one!
Our favourite moment on tour is a little hard to narrow down but safari is by far the biggest highlight. Seeing all that wildlife, watching the annual migration of animals and being amongst nature is like nothing we have ever done before. As we sit down to write our ‘favourite moment’ the list keeps getting longer…
Seeing a lion chase a warthog. Watching the wildebeest cross the Mara River was definitely a highlight. Seeing the cutest new-born animals. Swimming with Turtles on Zanzibar Island. Flying over Victoria Falls in a Helicopter. Catching a Tiger Fish on the Zambezi River. The Kande Beach Party at Lake Malawi and laughing the days away with our crew!
Wow, we live in Africa and haven’t done half those things! But we’ve noticed that you’re only on Instagram – is there a reason for this?
When we started this little project only a month ago our aim was to share our travel photos to like-minded people around the world!
We had a computer full of photos which no one could see! We felt Instagram was a perfect platform to share these images and our travel experiences with the world.
Instagram focuses on photo sharing which is exactly why we chose to use this and not other social media tools.
You mentioned that you only started the account a month ago but you already have nearly 3000 followers! That’s rather impressive! Could you tell us how you use Instagram so effectively to share your experiences and reach your ideal fan base?
We’ve kept an open mind going into this and wanted to allow ourselves the best opportunity to reach as many like-minded people as possible.
To effectively use Instagram we are sharing all of our travel experiences rather than focusing on one destination.
We remain continuously active daily, follow other like-minded Instagrammers and continuously work at growing our profile.
It sounds like you’ve got this whole Instagram thing down to a fine tee! Do you have a favourite feature about Instagram?
We don’t particularly have one specific favourite feature but the thing we like most about Instagram is it straight to the point with no unnecessary posts clogging up your newsfeed.
There is less negativity or “boring” posts about “how bad your day was at work” blah blah blah!
We love that it lets your mind wonder and its makes us want to travel the world three times over!
Lee and Katie intend to leave behind their office jobs in favour of finding an income that will allow them to continue their travels together whilst working remotely from various locations around the world. That’s the dream!
Make sure that you [highlight] follow them on Instagram [/highlight] for more of their awesome stories and fantastic photographs!
Get in touch with Lee and Katie: [highlight] travelheads@outlook.com [/highlight]
Contact Acacia Africa:
Email: [highlight] info@acacia-africa.com [/highlight]
Web: [highlight] www.acacia-africa.com [/highlight]