Garonga Safari Camp, Garonga Pride, Lions, South Africa Big 5, South Africa Safari, Travel in Africa

We enjoy a cherished custom here at WildWeb. Come 15 hundred hours on a Friday arvo we indulge in a sacred and time honored WildWeb tradition – beer o’clock. Granted, neither the name nor the ritual is an original one but there are only a few liberal minded institutions who prescribe to the sacred rite.

For us beer o’clock is a time of reflection, laughing and shooting the breeze with colleagues. In the end, it’s less about the chit chat and the marvelous hops and barley and more about  connecting, resetting, and starting the weekend on a high.

We encourage you to get involved. Why not lobby for the tradition at your company. Let’s unite, crack open a few cold ones, kick back and get to know a bit more about the people we work with. Just be sure to have Goodfellas on speed dial!

Have a great weekend, from the WildWeb team.

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