Let’s face it. Social media has evolved to the point where it has become an integral part of most people’s day to day lives. The first thing a lot of people do in the morning and last thing at night is check their social feeds. When something big happens in the world, chances are you’ll hear about it on social media before you see it on the news. Yet, for some people, social media remains a complex mystery yet to be solved. To be honest, it is actually rather complex. I had the unenviable task of attempting to explain Facebook to my 86 year old grandmother the other day, and let’s just say it didn’t go very well.
So to help out the techphobes out there, we’ve found a few very apt metaphors (well technically, similes) to help explain the world of social media:
Social media is like planting a tree – “I liken social media marketing to planting a tree. It calls for a plan, patience and persistence over a sustained period of time. And, let’s not overlook the importance of high quality content” – [highlight] FindAndConvert [/highlight]
Social media is like cooking – “Always use fresh ingredients (new content). Fresh ingredients make for a better tasting dish. Don’t just serve one dish (content) over and over again, or people will get bored of the flavours” – [highlight] Daniel Hebert [/highlight]
Social media is like Star Wars – “Obi-Wan Kenobi explains the Force to Luke as, “an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.” In social media, The Force is like relationships and engagement, which is really the energy field that binds everything together. The Social Media Force is why thousands of people come together for SXSW for information that could fairly easily be conveyed online” – [highlight] Eric Tung [/highlight]
Social media is like chess – “Social media is funny – sometimes it’s deadly serious, and sometimes it just seems like a large scale game. But even when it’s at its most intense, social media is still like a game – chess, that is. Each part of your campaign adds up to a complete set of pieces, all of which together can bring you success on the board and on the web” – [highlight] Erelease [/highlight]
Read more on [highlight] Business2Community.com [/highlight] .
If you’re still confused about this whole ‘social media thing’ and how to best use it to market your business, then [highlight] get in touch with us [/highlight] and we’ll see how we can help you.