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2012 – A year to get creative with your social media

It is funny how the New Year is a reflective period – well for some of us anyway. If you were on a roll in the previous year, the New Year is an opportunity to step up a gear and coast on forward. If it (the previous year) was not a good one, then it is a good opportunity to apply a clean slate, clean out the cobwebs and start off with a positive attitude. Same goes for business.

My first day back at the WildWeb office started off quite normally. I slumped behind my computer, staunch coffee in hand, and sifted through a backlog of emails before breezing through a few tech websites. On one of the websites that I was browsing I came across an article predicting; ‘How social media will impact businesses in 2012’. It published 30 opinions, from a wide range of social media experts, on what they foresee materialising in the social media game, over 2012.

Some of the forecasts were not the most daring of statements. A lot of the authors highlighted a pattern that has been playing out over the past few years. For example, that business will ‘really’ start to take social media more seriously and invest more time and money in marketing their brand, product or message online.

Two exciting predictions caught my which affirmed something that we at WildWeb have been echoing for some time. It predicted how business marketers, in 2012, would: 1, start to regularly produce unique content, and 2, that they would look to outsource this content creation.

Getting someone else to come up with your clever content, regularly, and engage an audience for you is nothing new. Companies and brands have been outsourcing their media, for broadcast and print, for some time now. Think of ghost writing and advertising campaigns etc. Why not a bigger push into digital? With the increase in smartphones and general web connectivity marketers are naturally going to put more of their budget towards their digital campaigns. And 2012 can be a break through year in this trend.

This is precisely why we at WildWeb saw the need to manoeuvre into a position to offer such a service. We blogged about it, right here, last year

At the end of the day, the bottom line is to nurture an audience. Brands (or companies) who want to be relevant and take their online campaigns seriously, in 2012, will certainly HAVE to get creative and consistent with their social media. There is a lot of noise to cut through on the www and if you do not have the resources to focus on growing your online audience, on a full time basis, it might be worth thinking about getting switched on peeps to do it for you… Just saying.

Ultimately, 2012 looks like it is going to be an exciting year. Personally, we at WildWeb are looking ahead to giving birth to some great ideas over the next few months. We wish you well and hope that 2012 is an epic year for you too.

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